Flock: First Nations Stories Then and Now / Ellen van Neerven

Flock: First Nations Stories Then and Now / Ellen van Neerven


This wide-ranging and captivating anthology showcases both the power of First Nations writing and the satisfaction of a good short story. Curated by award-winning author Ellen van Neerven, Flock roams the landscape of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander storytelling, bringing together voices from across the generations. Featuring established authors such as Tony Birch, Melissa Lucashenko and Tara June Winch, and rising stars such as Adam Thompson and Mykaela Saunders, Flock confirms the ongoing resonance and originality of First Nations stories.

This project is supported by the Copyright Agency's Cultural Fund.

Publisher: UQP 2021 © Ellen van Neerven (Editor) Copyright with individual works remain with authors.
Cover design: Joshn Durham (Design by Committee)

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Whisper Songs / Tony Birch

Losing Face/ George Haddad George Haddad.png

Losing Face/ George Haddad

Trigger Warning / Maria Takolander

Trigger Warning / Maria Takolander

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Dark as Last Night / Tony Birch

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The First Time I Thought I Was Dying / Sarah Walker
