
to correspondences. Our aim is to create lasting people connections across cultures through the medium of art.

Silent Dialogue - That’s a wrap!

Silent Dialogue - That’s a wrap!

17 December 2021—23 January 2022
Featured in order of appearance:

Shen Jiawei 沈嘉蔚, Kuang Zai 匡再,
He Pei Pei 何佩佩, Jenny Zhe Chang 珍妮喆张, Fu Hong 傅红, Guan Wei 关伟, Ouyang Yu 欧阳昱 & Echo Cai 子轩 together with Shen Zhimin 沈志敏 & NiNi 昵昵. 

Last weekend, we presented our final exhibit for 
Silent Dialogue / 沉默的对话.

In the coming months, when COVID-19 circumstances have settled down, we will release our short film reflecting on the project in tandem with a special gathering to celebrate the realisation of our show.

In the meantime, please explore our virtual site, where you will find eight artist viewing rooms with long-form artist interviews, along with the exhibition soundscape and online reading room.

We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the exhibits. Thank you for sharing your kind thoughts - they have spurred us on!

We are delighted also to have received some interest in acquiring
original artworks by our Silent Dialogue artists.

Selected artworks by our artists are also available as limited edition archival/giclée prints accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity signed by the artist.

If you're interested in adding an artwork to your collection, please reach out via the buttons below. 

In closing, we thank you for your love, kindness and support throughout the ongoing pandemic.

Thank you, the City of Melbourne and the Victorian Government, for believing in our project and supporting us.

Exhibit 1: 17/12/21—4/1/22
Shen Jiawei 沈嘉蔚

Location:  Outdoor exhibit, Corner of Lygon and Little Elgin St Carlton.

Shen Jiawei presented an outdoor exhibit featuring large-scale reproductions of three of his distinctive history paintings, which today form part of prominent private and corporate collections. The display in the heart of Carlton featured three significant individuals in the history of Australia: influential land rights activist and spiritual leader, the Yuin Elder Gubbo (also Gubbo) Ted Thomas, British-Australian journalist and adviser to the Chinese Government George Ernest Morrison and beloved Sydney merchant, philanthropist and community leader Mei Quong Tart.

For details of the works exhibited, please visit the artist's viewing room ➔ here. To express your interest in acquiring a work by Shen, press the button below to be connected with his studio regarding available works.

Exhibit 2: 13/1—16/1/22
He Pei Pei 何佩佩

Location: Missing Persons, Room 11–12, Level 4, Nicholas Building, Swanston Street, Melbourne.

He Pei Pei presented Intersection and Street Melody 2020, a new series of scroll drawings, large-format oil paintings and drawings on paper that continue the artist's search into the spirit of city life at the centre of Melbourne. He is offering two of her original oil paintings, two large-format charcoal drawings on paper and two scroll drawings. Selected artworks are also available as limited edition prints.

For details of the works exhibited/offered, please visit the artist's viewing room ➔ here. To express your interest in acquiring an artwork or print, press the button below.

Exhibit 2: 13/1—16/1/22
Kuang Zai 匡再 

Location: Missing Persons, Room 11–12, Level 4, Nicholas Building, Swanston Street, Melbourne.

Kuang Zai presented a new series of works that extend upon his long-standing inquires into family life, the everyday and the innocence and inner world of childhood across cultures. Kuang is offering five original oil paintings. Selected artworks are also available as limited edition prints.

For details of the works exhibited/offered, please visit the artist's viewing room ➔ here. To express your interest in acquiring an artwork or print, press the button below.

Exhibit 2: 13/1—16/1/22
Jenny Zhe Chang 珍妮喆张

Location: Missing Persons, Room 11–12, Level 4, Nicholas Building, Swanston Street, Melbourne.

Jenny Zhe Chang presents Light with Hope – Elevating 2021-22, a site-specific installation that explores the concept of conventional wisdom passed down through generations to support or nurture us during times of hardship. This artwork was presented for the first time as part of Silent Dialogue and Chang is offering this work for sale.

For details of the work exhibited, visit the artist's viewing room ➔ here. To express your interest in acquiring the work, press the button below.

Exhibit 3: 20/1—23/1/22
Fu Hong  傅红

Location: Missing Persons, Room 11–12, Level 4, Nicholas Building, Swanston Street, Melbourne.

Fu Hong presented Shan Hai Jing 2021, his monumental ink painting measuring 14.5 metres and a book of drawings inspired by the ancient Chinese text of the same name. Also presented online was his painting Re-birth 2019. The exhibit continues the artist's search into the idea of the transformation in art and self. 

For details of the work exhibited, visit the artist's viewing room ➔ here. To express your interest in acquiring a work by Fu, press the button below to be connected with his studio regarding available works.

Exhibit 3: 20/1—23/1/22
Guan Wei  关伟

Location: Missing Persons, Room 11–12, Level 4, Nicholas Building, Swanston Street, Melbourne.

Guan Wei presented The Metamorphosis / 变形记 2020, his video work exhibited as a large-scale AV projection. Also shown in the conversation online was his monumental self-portrait, Plastic surgery – A portrait of an immigrant artist 2015. The exhibit continues the artist's search into the theme of self-identity and ideas of transformation, re-birth and belonging. Guan Wei is offering both artworks for sale. 

For details of the works exhibited/offered, please visit the artist's viewing room ➔ here. To express your interest in acquiring an artwork, press the button below.

Exhibit 3: 20/1—23/1/22
Ouyang Yu / 欧阳昱

Location: Missing Persons, Room 11–12, Level 4, Nicholas Building, Swanston Street, Melbourne.
Ouyang Yu presented Three Firsts 2021, his book installation, which explores the process of self-destruction, transformation and renewal at the heart of the creative process and the migratory experience. Ouyang Yu is offering his first self-published rejections, the single-edition books, for sale. Namely, West of the River 2020 (fiction), Spring Waters: Li Yu, the Emperor of Poetry 2020 (fiction) and Small Says: Words, Stories and Mini-Meditations 2020 (non-fiction). 

For details of the works exhibited/offered, please visit the artist's viewing room ➔ here. To express your interest in acquiring one of the single-edition books, press the button below. We encourage smaller publishers and individuals to contact us. 
Exhibit 3: 20/1—23/1/22
Echo Cai 子轩 together with Shen Zhimin 沈志敏 & NiNi 昵昵.

Location: Missing Persons, Room 11–12, Level 4, Nicholas Building, Swanston Street, Melbourne.
Together with collaborators Shen Zhimin and NiNi, Echo Cai presented Retracing The Great Walk / 再现淘金路 2020. An installation featuring a suite of portrait photographs and moving image work, Retracing The Great Walk, retraces the journey Chinese immigrant workers were forced to walk from Robe in South Australia to the Victorian goldfields during the gold rush due to discriminatory immigration policies. The artwork expresses the legacy of early Chinese-Australians through notions of remembrance, commemoration, resilience and love.

For details of the works exhibited/offered, please visit the artist's viewing room ➔ here. To express your interest in acquiring a work by Cai, press the button below to be connected with his studio regarding available works.


We respectfully acknowledge the Sovereign Custodians of the land and waters upon which we live and work, the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung peoples of the Kulin Nation. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging. Our contributors come from far and wide, so we extend this respect to all First Peoples.

Exhibition Partners and Supporters
Copyright © 2020 correspondences (ABN 41921936177) and the artists
(1) Installation view Exhibit 3 Missing Persons 20-23 January 2022: Fu Hong 傅红, Shan Hai Jing《 山海经》 2020-21, ink on paper (detail), 139 x 1450 cm © Fu Hong. 

(2) Shen Jiawei 沈嘉, Sydney 1894 No.1 悉尼 1894 2006, oil on canvas on vinyl, 183 x 213 cm Collection of China Construction Bank, Finalist Sir John Sulman Prize 2007. © Shen Jiawei. 

(3) Installation views Exhibit 1 Outdoor, Carlton 17 December 2021 - 4 January 2022. Images of speakers, artists and audiences by Tim Hillier and correspondences. In the background are reproductions of Shen Jiawei's works Gubbo Thomas 格布•汤玛斯 1999, Sydney 1894 No.1 悉尼 1894 2006 and Self Portrait with Chinese Morrison 中国的 理循与我 1996. © Shen Jiawei. 

(4) He Pei Pei 何佩佩, Street Melody #1 街之韵律 #1 2020, charcoal on paper, 83 x 146 cm © He Pei Pei

(5) Installation views Exhibit 2 Missing Persons 13-16 January 2022: Street Melody #1 街之韵律 #1 2020, charcoal on paper, 83 x 146 cm (left),  Street Melody #2 街之韵律 #2 2020, oil on canvas, 105cm x 155cm (right) and Intersection 1-3《交叉路口》1-3 2020, pencil on rice paper, 18 x 138 cm x 4 per scroll © He Pei Pei

(6) Kuang Zai 匡再, Children #3《儿童3》2020 oil on canvas 60 x 60 cm © Kuang Zai

(7) Installation views Exhibit 2 Missing Persons 13-16 January 2022: Girl standing #2《站立女孩 #2》2020 oil on canvas 50 x 20.5cm, Girl in the room 《房间里的女孩 》2020 oil on canvas 75 x 75cm, Seeing《看 》2020 oil on canvas 75 x 72 cm, Children《儿童3》2020 oil on canvas 60 x 60 cm and Sarah’s lunch《萨拉的午餐》 2020 oil on canvas 60 x 60 cm © Kuang Zai

(8) Installation views Exhibit 2 Missing Persons 13-16 January 2022: Light with Hope – Elevating  《希望之光 - 提升》2021-22 at right, then left. Also showing are the works of He Pei Pei and Kuang Zai © Jenny Zhe Chang, He Pei Pei and Kuang Zai.

(9) Installation views Exhibit 3 Missing Persons 20-23 January 2022: Fu Hong 傅红, Shan Hai Jing《 山海经》 2020-21, ink on paper (detail), 139 x 1450 cm © Fu Hong. Also shown in the background and at right is Guan Wei's The Metamorphosis 2020. © Guan Wei.

(10) Installation views Exhibit 3 Missing Persons 20-23 January 2022: Guan Wei 关伟, The Metamorphisis《 变形 》2020 single-channel video (still detail), colour, sound, 3.42 mins Courtesy of ARC ONE Gallery © Guan Wei

(11) Installation views Exhibit 3 Missing Persons 20-23 January 2022: Ouyang Yu/欧阳昱 Three Firsts《 待定》2020-21, book installation (detail), size varies © Ouyang Yu Also shown below is Fu Hong's Shan Hai Jing 2021. © Fu Hong

(12) Installation shots Missing Persons 20-23 January 2022: Echo Cai 子轩 with Shen Zhimin 沈志敏 & Ni Ni 昵昵 Retracing The Great Walk《再现淘  》2020-21, installation (detail), size varies © The artists 

(13) Installation view Exhibit 2 Missing Persons 13-16 January 2022: Light with Hope – Elevating  《希望之光 - 提升》2021-22 at left and selected works as detailed above by Kuang Zai. © Jenny Zhe Chang and Kuang Zai. 

Artworks are copyright the artists as noted above. Installation photographs courtesy of Tim Hillier and correspondences

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We're Open: Silent Dialogue Exhibit 3

We're Open: Silent Dialogue Exhibit 3