
Genevieve Fry


Selected works in order of appearance

Untitled 1, 2.1, 2.2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7.1, 7.2, 8a, 8b, 9, 10, 11 & 12, 2023
ink drawing on paper, a series of fifteen works.
series of nine, $150 each 32.0 x 24.6 cm unframed
series of four $250 each 70.5 x 50.0 cm unframed *
a diptych of two drawings, $200 32.0 x 24.6 cm x2 unframed *

All works © Genevieve Fry Photographs: Ali McCann

These ‘sound drawings’ were made during the 2023 Resonate programDrawing Sound. Each drawing has a corresponding ‘sound sketch’ made by the artist. Please visit the project’s viewing room > here to access the corresponding 'soundscapes’ for each work.

Select the artist’s name and preferred title and press ‘purchase’. Please consult the drop-down menu below for available works.

Please note:—
* Two works remain available for sale: Untitled 7.2 2023 and Untitled 8a/b 2023. Untitled 7.2 2023 is now framed, and its pricing has been adjusted accordingly to $360.

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